Outdoor / Mountains
Area: Bruck an der Mur
Location: Mariazell, Styria
Country: Austria
Livebild Bergstation Bürgeralpe Blickrichtung süden
im Hintergrund das Hochschwabmassiv Bild wird alle 3 Minuten aktualisiert
Die Kamera ist von 07:00 bis 16:00 Uhr in Betrieb
Website: www.mariazell.at
Webcam Oostgrunn.nl
The webcam of Oostgrunn.nl in the North of The Netherlands just changed direction! Previously it had a view on the clouds and the church of Beerta, but now it overlooks the Vredesplein, a small square with a super market... Read more »»
Webcam in The Netherland
Webcams Abroad has several webcams in the Netherlands. One of the webcams is in the North of the country and gives a impression of the weather.... Read more »»